America, You Are Not Free!

Image result for rachel weeping for her children
"Thus saith the Lord: A voice was heard on high of lamentation, of mourning, and weeping, of Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing to be comforted for them, because they are not."        -- Jeremiah 31:15 

From Marian Helper, Summer 2019, p. 36:

Upon the passage of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout the country, the Marian Fathers had this to say in our Summer 1973 issue of  the Marian Helpers Bulletin.

America, You Are Not Free!

"Your children within you ..." St. Luke, Ch. 19, v, 43

     Newsweek, October 5, 1970, carried an article on "Abortion in New York", and in the statistics of the article were the following:
     Operations................................................................................................................................ 20,000
     Deaths................................................................................................................................................ 4

     It should have read: "Murders.................................................................................................. 20,004
     In March 1971, the figures rose to 80,000; in October 1971, 200,000; and in December the same year, 215,000!

      To all who have usurped the rights of God, be you Doctors, Parents, or Law-makers:

     America, you are not free! You have allowed a noble profession to become a diabolical degradation. Your citizens are being slaughtered in the womb, and you are making laws to sanction the same. What right have law-makers to enact legislation against the very laws of God? The Voice of your Creator is going to cry out in vengeance-- for revenge is His!

     Oh, you who march and cry for freedom, for shame that none of you defends the helpless infant if a moment's beat of life!

     Oh, you who wield the scalpel, for shame! How can you face the night with all the faces of little ones calling out, "Mercy! Let us live!"? How can you face the dawning day which mirrors life? How can you face your God Who alone has the right to power over life and death, and who alone can decree whether it shall be the mother or child who will live--or both? How can you face yourselves, you Herods of today? Get down on you knees, repent, and do penance, for the hand of the Lord, which stayed the falling sun in 1917, must one day let His just wrath fall on this sinful world.

     Oh, youth growing up, listen and obey those who have the God-given duty, and so, the right, to guide you. Pray that God will give you the grace to be humble, pure, obedient, true to Him, and he ready to die for Him otherwise. Then, and only then, will we have a better world.

      "... For days will come upon thee when thy enemy will throw up a rampart about thee and surround thee and shut thee in on every side, and will dash thee to the ground and thy children within thee, and will not leave thee one stone upon another, because thou hast not known the time of thy visitation." St. Luke, Ch. 19, v "...43, 44"


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