Nurses' Pinning and the Nightingale Pledge
My school's pin for practical nursing graduates On Wednesday, August 26th, I officially graduated from nursing school. On the Monday prior, we had a private pinning ceremony. While searching for the text of the Nightingale Pledge, I came across the Wikipedia article on the pinning ceremony , which has some information I wanted to share. Pinning is the official induction into the "brotherhood or sisterhood of nurses". Its earliest history dates from the 12th century during the crusades, when "monks initiated into the Knights Hospitaller that cared for injured and ill Crusaders were given a Maltese Cross". After the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale was awarded the Royal Red Cross by Queen Victoria, and the tradition further evolved from there. At our ceremony, after each of us received our pin, we recited the Nightingale Pledge. It is so beautiful! Here is the version we recited (apparently a combination of the original and the ...