Candle for Life Campaign
I, alas, won't be able to go on the March for Life this year. However, I would like to share with you a fundraiser by the group I went with in 2018, the Institute of Christ the King.
Dear Friends,
For the fourth year in a row, the priests of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest will be leading a group of courageous pilgrims to the March for Life in Washington D.C. this January, 2020. We have a tremendous opportunity this year to fill two buses of young pilgrims from the Institute's parishes. Young people from all over the Midwest will march and pray together.
More than just a March, the Institute leads our trip in the spirit of a true pilgrimage, offering our young adults opportunities to pray, to make sacrifices, and to learn about the mystery of the unborn through masses, rosaries, conferences etc.
As we witness an up-rise of the power of darkness against the most precious and more vulnerable gift man could ever receive, life itself, it has become obvious that the defense of life is urgent! Now more than ever, we realize how important it is for us to be present at our nation’s capital.
These young people want to make a stand for Life — for all Life, from its earliest beginnings to its natural end — and we need your help so they can shine their light into this spiritual darkness!
To make this important pilgrimage financially manageable for our young “marcher”, we rely heavily on your donations to help offset the travel and hotel costs. Each chartered bus costs nearly $10,000, so no donation is too big or too small to help with this effort.
For this reason we are asking you to become a beacon and support our pilgrims by purchasing a Candle-For-Life.
For each donation of $25 and above our pilgrims will carry your intentions (comment section), along with a lighted candle, on the day of the March.(When choosing "Hide my name & comment ...", only Institute priests/chaplains for March will see them)
We realize that not everyone is able to be physically present at the March, but in this way you can support those who can make the Pilgrimage, and through prayer and sacrifice you will be linked to them spiritually.
Additionally, you can join our Candle-For-Life Movement by lighting a novena candle in your home, before the image of Our Lady, 8 days prior to the March-for-life held on January 24th.
There's a little more on the site, along with the place to donate. I noticed particularly that the buses alone are nearly $20,000 total. Mightn't it be nice to put them over the $5,000 goal?
For the fourth year in a row, the priests of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest will be leading a group of courageous pilgrims to the March for Life in Washington D.C. this January, 2020. We have a tremendous opportunity this year to fill two buses of young pilgrims from the Institute's parishes. Young people from all over the Midwest will march and pray together.
More than just a March, the Institute leads our trip in the spirit of a true pilgrimage, offering our young adults opportunities to pray, to make sacrifices, and to learn about the mystery of the unborn through masses, rosaries, conferences etc.
As we witness an up-rise of the power of darkness against the most precious and more vulnerable gift man could ever receive, life itself, it has become obvious that the defense of life is urgent! Now more than ever, we realize how important it is for us to be present at our nation’s capital.
These young people want to make a stand for Life — for all Life, from its earliest beginnings to its natural end — and we need your help so they can shine their light into this spiritual darkness!
To make this important pilgrimage financially manageable for our young “marcher”, we rely heavily on your donations to help offset the travel and hotel costs. Each chartered bus costs nearly $10,000, so no donation is too big or too small to help with this effort.
For this reason we are asking you to become a beacon and support our pilgrims by purchasing a Candle-For-Life.
For each donation of $25 and above our pilgrims will carry your intentions (comment section), along with a lighted candle, on the day of the March.(When choosing "Hide my name & comment ...", only Institute priests/chaplains for March will see them)
We realize that not everyone is able to be physically present at the March, but in this way you can support those who can make the Pilgrimage, and through prayer and sacrifice you will be linked to them spiritually.
Additionally, you can join our Candle-For-Life Movement by lighting a novena candle in your home, before the image of Our Lady, 8 days prior to the March-for-life held on January 24th.
There's a little more on the site, along with the place to donate. I noticed particularly that the buses alone are nearly $20,000 total. Mightn't it be nice to put them over the $5,000 goal?
I hope you will consider helping the pilgrims, by generous prayer at least.
(You can read about my own experience on the March with the ICKSP here)
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