
Showing posts from July, 2020

Pro-Life Sermon 6

     "You shall not kill!" Reminds us Our Lord in the Gospel.      For the past fifty years, a culture of death, violence, hatred and destruction has triumphed around us. Since the laws authorizing contraception and abortion. Since hedonism and utilitarianism replaced God and morality.      In 1979 (40 years ago), when receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, declared: "The greatest destroyer of peace today is the crime against the innocent unborn child. If a mother can kill her own child, in her own womb, what keeps you and me from killing each other? (...) But today we are killing millions of unborn children. And we don't say anything."      How our society, which proclaims with such insistence Human Rights (this new Decalogue of the modern world), how did men come to let flout the most fundamental right: the right of every human being to life? How is it that modern man, always talking about "...